Hey. I’m Winta, a Saudi-born, Ethiopia-based multi-passionate creative who writes about meaningful productivity, creativity, and faith. You may also find me sharing stories about some of my favorite projects here in Ethiopia and, perhaps, a few embarrassing anecdotes from my university days. Here’s some of what I do:

Write 📑

On Medium, I want to track my growth as a creative professional with many hats, an online creator trying to turn this whole thing into a sustainable living, and a human being who’s trying to be fruitful and stay true to her faith—and I want to share all of my lessons as a fellow student who may be just one step ahead.

If you’re also a multi-passionate creative who’s trying to cultivate an online ecosystem, I invite you to come along on this ride.

Psst. This year, I’ll be using this Google Docs writing planner I made, and you’re invited to snag it for free. I wrote a short piece with a description of how you can use it, but it’s pretty straightforward so I doubt you’ll need to go through the whole piece.

And hey, if you like what you see, you can read more than 3 stories a month by subscribing for a Medium membership though this referral link (I get a big cut if you use it)

Draw 🖍️

I was the typical withdrawn, ever-drawing kid who grew up to be an architect. Now I sit in my bedroom corner and shoot videos pushing people to pick up a pen and freaking draw.

One of the short drawing courses I made for Skillshare was Staff Picked (curated) by the Skillshare team, and now, I won’t shut up about it.

So, yeah, if you want to learn how to communicate your ideas visually as efficiently as possible, you can take my class here: https://skl.sh/3QKzsjI. (again, I get a cut if you subscribe through this link)


Sometimes, I like to make ‘moving drawings’ with sand. I’ve been doing that since I first saw an Omani girl do it on a talent show over a decade ago.

• Make videos 📹

This video got me invited to a podcast where I made a language mistake so lame, I turned into a local viral sensation. For months after, people would recognize my face without being able to pin down where they saw me.

Monika Lewinsky had a similar experience for years: strangers would stop her to ask for directions because she looked like a familiar face, but they couldn’t really recall where they’d seen her. It’s an odd type of ‘celebrity’, I guess.

Oh, and here's a conversation I filmed with my friend, Agnes. This is one of my favorite videos on my channel as well.


I hope I put out things that either inspire you or actually help you out. See you when I see you.



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Winta Assefa

Architect & Multi-passionate Creative Based in Ethiopia 🎨 I Share Simple Productivity Systems For Chaotic Creatives