PinnedWhy I Write5 personal reminders of what makes this whole thing worth itJan 17, 20233Jan 17, 20233
I Ranked The 5 Types of Ambient Sounds That I Listen to While I WorkCould one of these help you get into a flow state?Jun 18, 20232Jun 18, 20232
Published inBetter HumansMy Maya Angelou-Inspired, Sensory Gratitude List(Includes a free template you can use to start your list)May 25, 20234May 25, 20234
Published inThe Writing CooperativeFrom The Cool Dash ( — ) To The Non-Creepy Smile (☺): A Writer’s Cheat SheetKeyboard shortcuts for more efficient writing sessions (and ‘friendlier’ writing)May 22, 20231May 22, 20231
I Accidentally Wired $1000 To A Stranger—And It Looks Like He Won’t Be Returning the MoneyHere’s How I’m Planning to Pay My Parents Back.May 12, 2023May 12, 2023
Published inBetter HumansHow I Became Fluent in a New Language as an AdultImmersive language learning feels like being the only 4-year-old in a room full of adoring but distant adults.Feb 21, 20234Feb 21, 20234
Published inThe Side Hustle ClubAre You Starting Your Online Content Creation Journey in 2023? Take Advantage of These 3 Free ToolsSave Yourself Some Time & EnergyFeb 8, 20231Feb 8, 20231
Published inBetter HumansYes, You Can Draw: 3 Silly Exercises to Loosen Up Your HandA fun alternative to scrolling on your phone for the next time you’re stuck in a boring meetingFeb 8, 20231Feb 8, 20231